Dr. Mubarak A Mujawar is a Research Associate Professor at the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Florida International University, Miami. His research is focused on understanding low temperature plasmas for their applications in nanofabrication and biotechnology. He is also involved in undergraduate engineering education research. He has been interested in creating active and collaborative learning environments for large enrollment courses. Dr. Mujawar received his PhD from Dublin City University, Ireland. Prior to joining FIU, he worked as a postdoctoral research fellow at Laser and Plasma applications group, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland
1. M. A. Mujawar, H. Gohel, S.K. Bhardwaj, S. Srinivasan, N. Hickman, A. Kaushik; Nano-enabled biosensing systems for intelligent healthcare: towards COVID-19 management; Materials Today Chemistry; 17 (2020), 100306
2. A. Sonawane, M. A. Mujawar, S. Bhansali; Effects of cold atmospheric plasma treatment on the morphological and optical properties of plasmonic silver nanoparticles; Nanotechnology, 31 (2020) 365706
3. M.A. Mujawar, S. K. Pasha, A. Sonawane, S. Bhansali; Extended gate FET based detection of salivary Cortisol; (submitted to Biosensors and Bioelectronics)
4. A. Sonawane, M. A. Mujawar, S. Bhansali; Plasma Assisted Control of Nanoparticle Distribution for Enhancing the Electrochemical Activity of Electrodes; ECS; MA2020(2020)01
5. A. Sonawane, M. A. Mujawar, S. Bhansali; Cold Atmospheric Plasma Annealing of Plasmonic Silver Nanoparticles; J. Electrochem. Soc.; 166 (9) (2019) B3084-B3090
6. M. Thompson, M. Mujawar, Improving thrust density of electrohydrodynamic propulsion, APS (2019) YP10. 057
7. A Kaushik, M. A. Mujawar, K Sharma; State-of Art functional biomaterials for tissue engineering; Frontiers in Materials 6(2019) 172
8. Shivani Tiwari, Varsha Sharma, Mubarak Mujawar, Yogendra Kumar Mishra, Ajeet Kaushik, Anujit Ghosal; Biosensors for Epilepsy Management: State-of-Art and Future Aspects. Sensors; 19(7) (2019) 1525
9. Pranjal Nautiyal, Mubarak Mujawar, Benjamin Boesl, Arvind Agarwal; In-situ mechanics of 3D graphene foam based ultra-stiff and flexible metallic metamaterial; Carbon 137 (2018) 502-510
10. A. Kaushik, M. A. Mujawar; Point of Care Sensing Devices: Better Care For Everyone; Sensors 18 (2018) 4303
11. A. Sonawane, M. A. Mujawar, S. Bhansali; Cold Atmospheric Plasma Annealing of Plasmonic Silver Nanoparticles; ECS; 88(1) (2018) 197-201
12. Yogeswaran Umasankar, Mubarak Mujawar, Shekhar Bhansali; Towards Biosensor Enabled Smart Bandages for Wound Monitoring: Approach and Overview; 2018 IEEE Sensors (2018)1-4
13. S. K. Pasha, M. A. Mujawar, A. Sonawane, S. Bhansali; Thin Film FETs on Flexible Substrates: a Case for Biosensing Application; ECS; 2 (2018) 145
14. T.M. Khan, M.A. Mujawar, K.E. Siewerska, A. Pokle, T. Donnelly, N. McEvoy, G.S. Duesberg,J. G. Lunney; Atmospheric pulsed laser deposition and thermal annealing of plasmonic silver nanoparticle films; Nanotechnology; 28 (2017) 445601